A very wise man once said that ‘Comparison is the thief of joy’ – people don’t seem to know exactly who but it was said.

And, when I watch other photographers on Youtube or see their images on Instagram, I tend to agree. If I’m not careful it can take all the joy I feel about my own photos. I simply compare them as ‘not as good as…’

This comparison makes me forget about the circumstances, the place, the emotions connected with my photographs and see them simply as data, as a comparison. Which, if you think about it, can never, ever be made. Even if two images were taken at the same place, of the same subject, they can never be compared as I’m pretty sure all photographers see something different at every scene.

And so, I do my best to avoid comparing my work to others.

But then I got to thinking, as I often do, what would life be like without comparison? What benefits does comparison bring?

How would I ever improve if I did not compare now to then? This to that? Me to him? What I set out to achieve to our actual results? Comparison can therefore be a great tool for self development in all areas, including photography. It helps me learn from Masters of the art. It helps me decide what I like and what I don’t like. It helps define my personal style. I suppose comparison doesn’t need to be better or worse than, but simply highlighting differences. And, as another wise man once said

Vive La Difference!